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In this section, we'll step through a typical workflow from creating an artboard all the way to exporting your first Rive file. Before we get started, check out our brief overview of the interface to familiarise yourself with the various sections and modes.

Prefer to watch a series of short videos to follow visually? Check out our Rive 101 playlist!

1. Interface overview

Take a tour of the Rive editor to familiarise yourself with the various sections and modes.

Interface Overview

2. Artboards

Artboards are the foundation of your composition across both design and animate mode. Learn how to create and manage artboards within a file.


3. Shapes and paths

Start creating assets to work with, and learn about the nuances between shape and paths.

Shapes and Paths

4. External assets

Want to animate assets created in other tools? Learn how to import them straight into Rive.

Importing Assets

5. Exporting files

Learn how to export your Rive files ready to implement into your app or game.


Last updated