In rive-unity pointer (mouse/touch) events can be passed to an artboard to enable Rive Listeners. This is accomplished by translating the pointer position to an artboard's local coordinate.
This code snippet demonstrates translating mouse position on the camera to an artboard.
Copy private Artboard m_artboard;
private StateMachine m_stateMachine;
.. .
Camera camera = gameObject .GetComponent < Camera > ();
if (camera != null )
Vector3 mousePos = camera .ScreenToViewportPoint( Input . mousePosition );
Vector2 mouseRiveScreenPos = new Vector2 (
mousePos . x * camera . pixelWidth ,
( 1 - mousePos . y ) * camera . pixelHeight
if (m_artboard != null && m_lastMousePosition != mouseRiveScreenPos)
Vector2 local = m_artboard .LocalCoordinate(
new Rect ( 0 , 0 , camera . pixelWidth , camera . pixelHeight ),
m_stateMachine ?.PointerMove(local);
m_lastMousePosition = mouseRiveScreenPos;
if ( Input .GetMouseButtonDown( 0 ))
Vector2 local = m_artboard .LocalCoordinate(
new Rect ( 0 , 0 , camera . pixelWidth , camera . pixelHeight ),
m_stateMachine ?.PointerDown(local);
m_wasMouseDown = true ;
else if (m_wasMouseDown)
m_wasMouseDown = false ;
Vector2 local = m_artboard .LocalCoordinate(
new Rect ( 0 , 0 , camera . pixelWidth , camera . pixelHeight ),
m_stateMachine ?.PointerUp(local);
Copy void HitTesting ()
Camera camera = Camera . main ;
if (camera == null || renderTexture == null || m_artboard == null ) return ;
if ( ! Physics .Raycast( camera .ScreenPointToRay( Input . mousePosition ) , out RaycastHit hit))
return ;
Renderer rend = hit . transform .GetComponent < Renderer > ();
MeshCollider meshCollider = hit . collider as MeshCollider ;
if (rend == null || rend . sharedMaterial == null || rend . sharedMaterial . mainTexture == null || meshCollider == null )
return ;
Vector2 pixelUV = hit . textureCoord ;
pixelUV . x *= renderTexture . width ;
pixelUV . y *= renderTexture . height ;
Vector3 mousePos = camera .ScreenToViewportPoint( Input . mousePosition );
Vector2 mouseRiveScreenPos = new ( mousePos . x * camera . pixelWidth , ( 1 - mousePos . y ) * camera . pixelHeight );
if (m_lastMousePosition != mouseRiveScreenPos || transform . hasChanged )
Vector2 local = m_artboard .LocalCoordinate(pixelUV , new Rect ( 0 , 0 , renderTexture . width , renderTexture . height ) , fit , alignment);
m_stateMachine ?.PointerMove(local);
m_lastMousePosition = mouseRiveScreenPos;
if ( Input .GetMouseButtonDown( 0 ))
Vector2 local = m_artboard .LocalCoordinate(pixelUV , new Rect ( 0 , 0 , renderTexture . width , renderTexture . height ) , fit , alignment);
m_stateMachine ?.PointerDown(local);
m_wasMouseDown = true ;
else if (m_wasMouseDown)
m_wasMouseDown = false ; Vector2 local = m_artboard .LocalCoordinate(mouseRiveScreenPos , new Rect ( 0 , 0 , renderTexture . width , renderTexture . height ) , fit , alignment);
m_stateMachine ?.PointerUp(local);